Ready to Use

instant asphalt patch
General Description

Instant Asphalt Patch contains a blend of adhesive resins and oils to maintain flexibility before application, hardening to asphalt to ensure a hard permanent patch, and chemical additives to enable bonding in damp conditions. These liquids are combined with graded aggregates which range from fines to ½ inch aggregate. Instant Asphalt Patch makes a more finished looking repair than the other patches which contain up to ½” aggregate.


Used for cold patching potholes, cracks and cuts in asphalt or concrete pavement such as highways, streets, air bases, parking lots, service yards and driveways.


Can be used all year round in both temperature extremes. In extreme cold weather, instant asphalt patch should be warmed indoors to ensure pliability. After application, the pail should be resealed to maintain pliability of remaining material.

Physical Properties

Colour: Black
Weight: 1.4KG/Litre
Application Temperature: -40 Deg C to + 45 Deg C
Coverage: 1/3 square metre by 5cm deep, per 21kg pail (3 square feet by 2 inches deep)


1) Prepare the pothole by sweeping out loose debris and water.
2) Pour asphalt patch into pothole and slightly overfill.
3) Tamp the patch with the back of a shovel or a steel tamper. Additional compaction can be achieved by driving over a piece of plywood placed over the patch.
4) Traffic can flow over the patch immediately.
5) Painting Asphalt Emulsion or Elastoproof Emulsion into clean pothole before pouring in Asphalt Patch will increase patch life.


Available in 21kg and 6.3kg pails or 50 Gal Drums.